Why Write?

Originally, I created this blog to document my trip to India. Upon my return, I realized that I couldn't shake the writing bug.
So, feel free to read about my adventures in India and stay tuned for my traveling updates!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Eat, Pray, Love: Guam (Pray)

In Hong Kong, I "ate." 
In Guam, I "prayed." 
In Hawaii, I "loved."


These blog posts were inspired by the book, Eat, Pray, Love. Even though I didn’t travel for a whole year, I did travel to three different locations (Hong Kong, Guam, and Hawaii). Each of these locations were island destinations and each of them taught me something. This is my story.  
Click below to see the previous blog posts:
Preface to Eat, Pray, Love



In order to get to Hawaii, I had to fly through Guam. Since I’ve never been there before, I decided to stop for a few days.   

At this point, my wanderlust had fully taken over, so I contacted an old acquaintance and informed him of my plans. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect tour guide. We explored the island, ate delicious local food, and played an epic game of darts, which lasted early into the morning hours.

Guam is a tiny little tropical island located in Micronesia. The island depends largely on tourism as a source of income and is famous for its beautiful beaches, which attracts tourists worldwide, especially the Japanese.

Its home to many exotic marine life, including the venomous Cone Shell. My friend told me of a tragic accident that took place a few weeks before he reported to his duty station. Apparently, a few of his co-workers were snorkeling in the ocean when his friend picked up a large Cone Shell. Unaware of the perilous dangers before him, he placed it in his pocket, deciding to keep it as a souvenir. He was stung and died within minutes.

The original inhabitants of Guam are believed to have been of Indo-Malaya descent originating from Southeast Asia as early as 2,000 B.C. They call themselves the Chamarro people.  I was able to observe a native fire dance performance, which was lively and full of energy.

Chamorro is a Malayo-Polynesian language, with much Spanish influence.  Click this video below to learn more about Guam's Chamorro history and culture.

The second day that I was there, I had some time to myself. I knew I needed this. I can't put my finger on it, but, something was beckoning me to slow down and listen to my heart. I felt like Elizabeth Gilbert when she goes to India. In India, Elizabeth truly connects with her heart. She learns to be quiet and she finally comes to peace with her past. Maybe, I needed to learn something while I was in Guam?

In my room, I discovered a little jewel. It was a Buddhist book filled with quotes. For those of you who know me, you know what I believe and that I am a Christian. But, we can learn a lot from others, even outside of our faith. Traveling has taught be to be more open-minded.  

So, I delicately thumbed through the pages. Curious, I guess. And as I sat on my balcony, looking out across the tantalizing teal blue sea,  I came across a quote that jumped out at me: 
“To worry in anticipation or to cherish regret for the past is like the reeds that are cut and wither away.” 

And it made me wonder, was I cherishing the regrets of the past? Even though I have come far, I am still holding onto an insurmountable amount of pain. Quite frankly, it's been exhausting. Don't get me wrong, overall, I am happy now and I have joy in my heart again; my fire is back. But, something is still nagging at me. How do I deal with this?

And just like that, the tears started to fall.

In the midst of my grief, I texted a friend. What he told me, gave me strength.   

“Amy, you are never alone. You have a huge family who loves you more than anything. That’s obvious from the adventures you have had with them and the pictures you share. You have good friends and I’ll always be your friend. Love will find you again.”
 I fell asleep tired, but full of acceptance. 

In the morning, I was awakened to beams of sunlight filtering through the window shutters. 

I grabbed my coffee, and meandered out onto the balcony again. More research and reflection needed. I called my Mom and told her how I felt and she reminded me to just “Be happy.”  Since I was in full reflection mode, I thought about those words after I got off the phone. Often time those words come across as being trivial or insensitive. But, I didn't see it that way. Being happy sometimes takes work. It encompasses dealing with your past and still seeing the beauty in the pain. I am not sure about you, but I am willing to put in the work.

Thus, Guam marked the "Pray" portion of my trip. Jitters started to fill my heart as I braced myself for the 3rd leg of my journey, Hawaii!  

For more information on Guam's famous beaches, check out this link:A Rundown of the Best Guam Beaches

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